As we pass beyond the pandemic and approach a new sense of normal, we continue to experience unprecedented uncertainty and challenge. Yet in the space between the abnormal and a new-normal lies opportunity to shape the future.

The Space between is a perplexing but exciting place where the status quo can be disrupted, ambiguity becomes clear, and meaningful change can occur. This is where design resides.

As designers, we are trained to navigate this uncertain space - between engineering and art, between problem and solution, and between idea and innovation. We invite you to embrace the unknown a few moments longer and join us in The Space Between to explore the possibilities for the future together.


conventionality ↔ disruption

Effective design is not always about creating a brand new idea or novel invention. Designers often create value by exploring how familiar tools and ideas can be repurposed to solve new challenges. And sometimes, the best solutions are a blend between the familiar and the new.


 simplicity ↔ complexity

At ID, designers learn to adapt their solutions to the circumstances and constraints of the problems at hand. Some problems call for solutions that are simple, yet not simplistic, while other problems call for solutions that are complex, yet not complicated. It is the designer’s job to find the balance between the two.


 individuals ↔ systems

Design’s vantage point between traditional areas of expertise provides a unique perspective on the world. With the ability to observe and understand complex interactions at any scale, designers are able to see which opportunities for change, however small can have the greatest impact.


 physical ↔ digital

As technology integrates more fully into every aspect of life, the differences between our physical and digital experiences become increasingly blurred. However, as the advantages and disadvantages of a connected world become clearer, there is a growing need for more definition and boundary between what our digital, physical and hybrid experiences entail.