Whole Foods Market Research


Research report about WFM user satisfaction after Amazon acquisition

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Research report about WFM user satisfaction after Amazon acquisition

Research report about WFM user satisfaction after Amazon acquisition

Whole Foods Market Research

Research report about WFM user satisfaction after Amazon acquisition


We conducted qualitative/quantitative research with Whole Foods Market users/non-users and figured out the changing customer needs and customer segments after the acquisition by Amazon. We found that WFM is in the middle of original customers and new customers from Amazon, online shopping and in-store shopping behaviors; they have an issue with fresh food quality; and information on their website and app has a communication issue with customers.

We proposed four design principles to make their business model go beyond customer expectations and expand their business while working with Amazon;

1. Offer highly curated products that are easy to access,

2. Enable ease & trust in fresh food buying,

3. Build unique value through personalization,

4. Support the joy of discovery without overwhelming.

As the next step, we presented a further research plan with precise steps to understand customers and markets and build more robust brand strategies. The research plan is divided into 3 phases, and in between, there are workshops and a co-creation session with clients.


Designers : Aman Bhardwaj, Claire Xu, Jake Rynar, Simon Dunne, Takayuki Kato

Course : Principles Methods of User Research

Instructors : Mark Micheli