Creating Continuity - LEGO


How do we create a more cohesive experience ecosystem that helps people find the best of what we have to offer and keeps them engaged throughout their life?

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How do we create a more cohesive experience ecosystem that helps people find the best of what we have to offer and keeps them engaged throughout their life?

How do we create a more cohesive experience ecosystem that helps people find the best of what we have to offer and keeps them engaged throughout their life?

Creating Continuity - LEGO

How do we create a more cohesive experience ecosystem that helps people find the best of what we have to offer and keeps them engaged throughout their life?


With more than 80 years of expertise in delivering joyful “learning by playing” experiences for children, LEGO continues to expand their customer base by creating new touchpoints in the brand ecosystem. However, focusing on too many things all at once actually confuses the customers in understanding what the brand is trying to offer. This confusion leads to customer drop-offs, which is found more distinctly among the teenagers than any other segment. The teenagers are craving for a well-balanced experience that provides unique values in Education, Socialization and Creativity during the transitioning years of their life. Therefore, we see a great opportunity for LEGO in acting as the stitches to connect the pieces together while keeping the customers engaged throughout their life. The opportunity we see is to create continuity in the lives of their customers is to be able to create affordable products and experiences that have educational values for teenagers who want to express themselves through learning while building.


Designers : Gauri Bhatt, Elizabeth Engele, Ujjwal Anand, Jocelyn Jia

Course : Experience Modeling

Instructor : Mark Micheli