Yahoo Groupboard


Seamless Multimodal Experience Design

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Seamless Multimodal Experience Design

Seamless Multimodal Experience Design

Yahoo Groupboard

Seamless Multimodal Experience Design


We live in a multichannel communications world, where the robust growth of the internet simplified our communication by sharing content across multiple touch-points, including web, apps, social media, email, and more. However, these methods also over complicated our daily conversation due to the fragmented nature of multichannel, which makes people more scattered around separate platforms. Yahoo Groupboard design opportunity came from this fact.

Our user research on people who use email and messaging apps shows that the current communication experience is inconsistent. The current environment does not meet users' expectations to deliver a smooth conversation. Because most approaches ignore customer needs to optimize their journey across platforms. As a designer, we feel it's never been more critical than now to fill the gap and re-unite people's communication.

We brought up the concept of Yahoo Groupboard using Yahoo Mail as the anchor, designed for people to embrace seamless connections. The Groupboard system is consistent with users' regular basis, and it aggregates diverse channels to bring the scattered users back closely, where people can gather and share information or archive content simultaneously and complete those intents within the same space.


Designers : Jung Sun Park, Shenghui Gao

Course : IDX 524 Interaction Design Workshop

Instructors : Jennifer Levin, JoEllen Kames

Project Partner : Yahoo