

Snacks that sequester carbon

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Snacks that sequester carbon

Snacks that sequester carbon


Snacks that sequester carbon


For the Design Planning course, our team built a block-chain enabled snack company called Regrow that allows farmers to transition to regenerative farming while giving consumers insight and education into the farming process. Regrow allows for consumers to be involved in climate change solutions that work. We worked as a team to bring together all of our skills from packaging to interaction design in our educational app.


The Space Between : This project is placed at the center of physical and digital, touching both, but not centering on either. We need both block-chain provenance as well as hands on farming labor to make our idea come to life. In order to tackle climate change solutions, we all need to be part of the change.

Designers : Rosanna Lederhausen, Takayuki Kato, Sue Kim, Shan Lee

Course : IDN 530 Design Planning

Instructors : Lary Keeley , Dan Chichester